Fishing is a primary activity in the Mediterranean since the dawn of civilization, even before the development of agriculture. The profile of the boats, the knowledge linked to the winds, the stars, the orientation, the fishing professions, the gastronomic traditions have represented a distinctive feature of the culture and history of our basin over the centuries. The fish economy continues to play an important socio-economic role:
• It is a significant economic sector (approx. 3.4 billion euros in 2018)
• Approx. 1.7% of the world catches are fished in the Mediterranean, which is equal to 4% of the value, due to the greater value of the species caught;
• The EU fleet counts over 110,000 fishermen and 40,000 fishing boats, often obsolete, of which 80% are less than 12 meters;
• There are four fishing systems: small-scale artisanal fishing, seine fishing to catch blue fish (40 to 70% of the catch by volume), trawling and deep-sea fishing.
• Practices of coastal management and marine governance to identify criteria and requirements for the development of sustainable aquaculture as complementary activity to fisheries and potential solution for the sustainable development of local communities.
• Increased development and innovation of sustainable aquaculture, carefully monitoring and minimizing the use of nutrients (for example through the coproduction of algae for energy production and other uses), with strategic effects in terms of job opportunities.
• Training programs to transfer knowledge on best practices to entrepreneurs and employees in fisheries and aquaculture and support a wide deployment of sustainable practices and innovation capacity building.
• Stakeholders engagement in participating activities, including public authorities and research centres to implement value chains based on aquaculture. Innovative monitoring systems to have a constant control at national and regional level on fishing activities and their sustainability compared to availability of fish stock in different seasons.
• Making sustainability of aquaculture activities a leverage for market development, for example through innovative information systems addressed to consumers.
Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean – Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 2020 Santa Chiara Lab (Università di Siena)
The drivers of the over-tourism are specific to urban, rural and coastal areas as much as to islands, attractions and heritage sites. Many over-tourism consequences are related to the frustration of those who live in a host destination, such as:
• increased congestion
• pressure on infrastructure
• growth in energy and water demand
• pollution
• environmental degradation
• damage to historical sites and monuments
• loss of identity and authenticity
• increases in living costs for local residents
• increasing inequality among local residents
(Source: Over-tourism: impact and possible policy responses, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Peeters et al. 2018)
• Marine pollution deriving from terrestrial sources (e.g. discharges from purification plants, which causes turbidity and impede the passage of light)
• The discharge of bilge waters of the countless ships that ply this marine area
• Sand extraction and dredging in ports
• The presence of invasive species, such as some algae, which in some areas are overwhelming the Posidonia
• Illegal, illicit or non-environmentally friendly fishing practices that ruin the seabed
• 70% of the world’s mega yachts are sailing in the Mediterranean all year
• Increase of yachts/mega yachts economic impact on ports (+10% thanks to fuel, insurance, dockage fees, maintenance, crew, etc.)
• Better capacity of mega yachts to manage environmental impacts
• Capacity for building superyachts full for the next 2-3 years (reference year 2020)
• Marinas, especially in the Western EU-Mediterranean countries, generally close to full occupation. Greece and Turkey follow the same trend. • Yacht owners are more international than leisure boat owners. Many come from Russia, Arabian Peninsula, Asia by plane to reach their yachts
• Growing weight of refit and repair as sub-sectors (Source, Plan Bleu 2020) The Mediterranean Sea is also among the most important cruise areas in the world: it reached 27 million passengers in 2013, with a sustained increase of around 5% per year. Cruise infrastructures remains located on northern shore: 75% of Mediterranean ports are in Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Croatia and Slovenia, while 9% of ports are in Turkey and Cyprus; and 7% in Northern Africa. (Plan Bleu 2017)
• Bigger vessels (on average 3,000 passengers) and higher passenger movements: 8.6 million in 2000 vs. 28 million in 2018 • 70% of travels in the period May-October even if off-season cruising has been growing in some ports • Cruising is increasingly concentrated in the western Mediterranean (approx. 75%) • Growing vulnerability of the sector to geopolitical/security/health issues • Unbalanced distribution of the sector’s revenues vis-à-vis investments and negative impacts suffered by local communities at destinations • Past trends show that the cruising market is driven by the offer, namely each time a new cruise ship enters the market, it is fully booked. Given long investment periods (~20 years) and long construction period, the quantitative development of the market is relatively easily projectable into the medium-term future. (Source, Plan Bleu 2020)