CETMAR, placed in Vigo (NW Spain), was founded in 2001 by the Conselleria do Mar and the General Directorate of R+D+I of the Xunta de Galicia and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The main objective is to encourage the involvement of dependent sectors of the sea in R+D+I. It is a public Foundation that works to promote the cooperation among institutions in the maritime and fishery sectors and to maximize the efficiency of all activities related to the marine environment. The structure of the BAPSI project facilitates the exploitation of synergies among partners. For the Spanish case, CETMAR and Conxemar (a technological center and an industry representative body) will enhance the strong collaboration by networking with the academic activities, the technical visits and the outreach actions to be developed in Vigo, Spain.
The actions fostered by CETMAR extend to national, European and international activity, and the beneficiaries of public and private stakeholders related to the ocean and its resources. CETMAR has seven departments: Marine environment/Resources control & management, Fisheries Technology, Seafood Technology, Fisheries socioeconomics, Technology promotion &transfer, International Cooperation and Training.
Within the scope of the BAPSI project, CETMAR will participate in most of the activities planned, focusing on those developed in Spain. Particularly, for the objective of “to promote innovative, practice-oriented and integrated educational pathways for professionals“, CETMAR will develop the didactic material and carry out the lectures. The format and activities will be online or face-to-face by using gamification techniques to facilitate the understanding and ensure an active participation of the students. This includes demonstrations, brainstorming or case studies.
The learning material will include topics related to the socioeconomic area, such as “the value chain of fish and fishery products”, and to the productive area, like “Products marketing and valorization”. The first, focuses on the understanding of the supply chain and provision of fishery products for the processing sector. The comprehensive analysis of the value chain will provide the participant’s knowledge of its relevant dynamics and what areas and activities allow for improving profitability and efficiency. How companies may benefit from specialization niches in terms of species, fisheries, preservation methods and processing level will be addressed through a hands-on approach. The second, is oriented in the main requirements of the consumer of fisheries products and how meeting them supports business growth and competitiveness. The identification of main market trends set the baseline to illustrate the e-commerce as a marketing channel, identifying the role pricing and media as critical components of the company’s marketing strategy.
A virtual space will be created where attendees will access information and educational material, and where, after the project, they will continue learning. It will be a networking place that will encourage the creation of synergies and the sharing of best practices, not only with the participants but also with other professionals in the sector. This will strengthen the exchange, share and networking among professionals of industrial and educational sectors as well as ensure that the project results will continue after the end of the project.