Infostory “Dolphins need us” in Maddaloni

The dolphins need us initiative presented in Canada
Aprile 27, 2022

Infostory “Dolphins need us” in Maddaloni

School is about to end and summer is approaching. Our Communications Manager, the journalist Domenico Letizia went to the “Enrico De Nicola” primary and kindergarten school, structure I. C. Maddaloni 2 – Valle, to discuss the “Blue Academy Professionals Seafood Industry” project together and watch the cartoon “Dolphins need us” created with Assoittica Italia. After seeing the cartoon, the children drew, reporting their thoughts on the colored sheets with pencils and markers.

Endless thanks go to the Headmaster, Rosa Suppa.

The journalist Domenico Letizia with the children of the “Enrico De Nicola” primary school in Maddaloni

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